Saturday, February 10, 2007

Welcome To The Zen Generation: Breathe!

This is Cory Tyler. I am a 33 year old Jedi. Ok, let me explain that 'Jedi' part. In addition to being a star wars geek, I use the word Jedi to refer to that being who is Spiritually aware and in remembrance of who and what one is as an emanation of God,
the infinite.

Today I officially unleashed "ZenGen", a multi-media platform for the Zen Generation. What was a great revelation to me this morning as I walked my dog, Hendrix, a cosmic being in his own right, is that everyone of every age and gender are a part of this generation. Anyone who is aware and in that state, more often than not, of courting the divine, being present with the Universe is in the Zen Gen.

So here it is. February 10th 2007, Zen Gen is born. Check out my channel of inspirational content here:

More to come. The Source Is With You!

Cory Tyler

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